Monday, March 17, 2008

Pharmaceutical Calculation Stocklosa

Piero March 1 to 17

- Easter is always April 20
- Descartes is what he said if I think I think
- Have you heard of that child who had yet to be born and another child had an abortion? How the hell did he do?
- A veterinary accept the PET?
- ( during the time of M. ....... ) You can not afford to judge, my sister had an abortion! And how dare you! Can I vote even if I do not do religion!
- Professor can explain everything from the beginning?
- ( the class laughs too much during the hour of math ) That's cool, a lesson in math! And 'the case to laugh! It 'just that the spirit of Italian life!
- Look, you have problems?
- I'd rather read "How to Live Without The Trachea" James Frescobaldo
- Anyway I would not let you weigh but I got a kick
and perhaps die - we have the poetic license? Then we can translate flower with bulldozers
- Here should warn for joy, you can not do "woo" each time ( class expresses satisfaction ratings for )
- Seriously, I do not think that women are capable of govern
- How nice to say crap from Trieste down ( singing ) ( look at him shocked, so is justified ) is true half of the people or shut up or just says bullshit, I suited to a folk song Italian
- I'm thinking that if I were born in Finland playing in the Finnish-Icelandic Symphony
- Carpe Diem equal to "carp fishing". Fishing magazine for anglers shoe cobblers. Fishing the shoe goat magazine for farmers, fishermen shoemakers. Carp fishing under the bench who lives
- What do you do, illegal scum! Suffer damage if you put them there Executioner big dog!
- If you have many problems, look like a fool he is disturbed
- It 's like going to Alcoholics Anonymous and pretend to drink a spritz. Let the competition to see who is more embarrassed.
- My dream is to be cremated and my ashes scattered over the Gulf of Bothnia
- I arrived 5 minutes and give me too much trouble already. 'Make the game of the glasses ( picks one and throws )
- Listen you can not break my balls, you the people there talking shit! ( a prof )
- Not disons strunzass
- Oliver Twist ... you, turutu ( and also dances). I "did" Oliver Twist
- Tell him that you have a disease that makes you silent on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, is called "mutatio alternatum"
- News, from tomorrow I do not wear to school since the diary is an overkill
- Here's how to sow more discord, your pants are ugly ( a fight during class )
- I think therefore I am ... If you like walking then walking
- Come on! A bit 'of Incoherence!
- stop using performance-enhancing drugs?
- Te el Zoba as always in the middle
- You do not doubt then six, then I have no doubt seven


Debora: I photocopied ...
Piero: ... Two abortions

All: Can I read?
Piero: We can read to an illiterate?

Prof: We are rediscovering the roots of theoretical ...
Piero: abortion ... that is the gay son

Teacher: Today I give homework
Piero: But also receives a salary pig Executioner?

Prof: I did not hear because he coughed Alberto ...
Piero: I do not think that we should make a fault

Luck: If you speak again I'll break your head to you and your sister also
Piero: The bitch, she also miscarried

Piero: ( in German) Somebody did German? ( discovers that nobody knows German ) Okay, I ask my brother ...
Alice: But your brother know German?
Piero: No, but neither you

Prof: Here there would be a function
Piero: Yes, but nothing works

Brizzi: Piero come in!
Piero: No, I want to weigh him arriving late (to Prof. )

Luck: You are a Chilean
Piero: Cistercian

Prof: "E" and "r"
Piero: Er Sergeant

Eve ( Piero struggling with for quite a while on a trip that has done too much the dandy )
Piero: You are what you want even a ball (Notas which is the 2nd smallest class )

Prof: Is there an alliance between Feuillants and Cordeliers ...
Piero and firemen?
Prof: And there were the sans-culottes
Piero: In French the "fanculot"

Prof: ( calls Evo glasses and wear them ) Requirements for the glasses today
Piero: What bad!

Prof: Boys silence, I can not hear Richard!
Piero: Richard speaks louder!

Prof: Piero explain to me, because two justifications?
Piero: I was 23 and had so much ... but I do not listen

Prof: Translate "the gentleman to whom I introduced ..."
Piero: The Lord ...

Rocco: Yay a fight ... ( during a fight )
Piero: Do \u200b\u200bnot quench the boiling!

Prof: 7x-6 divided by x
Piero: Polesine

Prof: There is a basic exercise
Piero: It 's high

Richard: Professor, let me know if there is another way to solve this exercise
Piero : What Rich fuck balls!


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