- Who is' the president of the world's more childish? Putin
- Fuck fuck but because they may come with coffee and we do not? Now I put myself out there on the grid
- ( if they quit without reason ) Oh but you have the myocardium?
- Kierkegaard was very cheap ... Kierke Card
- ( no reason, in pizzeria ) What was the atomic weight of tungsten? From the cock was a blast
- If I go to the center wins Udinese in Udine drunk
Prof: ... it takes a charismatic leader
Piero: Kaurismatico?
Prof: Piero what you think of Schopenhauer's conception of music?
Piero Bello (not feel), good (not feel), fuck!
Prof: So Piero?
Piero: The Alice did not understand a thing
Luck: You do not know what a joy for me to see you tonight
Piero Piero: You do not know what joy is for me to see myself in the mirror every day
Coradeschi: Prof Piero says that it is more important than me
Brizzi: And women
Piero: Above! And I respect those who have rendered great
Piero: What will become with a degree in theology?
Brizzi: Bah .. professor of religion ..
Piero: I became the same, just two students who rapes
Helena: Piero should drink plenty of water
Piero: No, no, then I rust
Sara: you're a cool Piero
Peter: No, they are more Cambiasso
Piero Silvia: Silvia Come? Yes .. LVIA
France: Haha .. Brizzi write write and put it on the blog
Piero: Do \u200b\u200byou feel responsible for the humiliation of my family
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