Thursday, March 10, 2011

Best Way To Transport Clothes On Hangars

The Myth of the Nation of Nicholas and Alexandra Esperide Quon

Marche When two boys, who are not even age, a book written with passion about the Italian Risorgimento, it is natural to dedicate an article!
History buffs, Alessandro and Nicola Quondmatteo Esperide Fermo Porto San Giorgio, who wrote a book about the Risorgimento, entitled "The Myth of the Nation ," which came out in February for Tabula Fati publisher.
The book is divided into ten chapters, one focusing on the Roman Republic (very detailed), four are biographical (Mazzini, Cavour, Garibaldi and Cattaneo), each designed to bring to light various aspects of the life of the fathers of the country, and above all, to highlight its role during the process of national redemption, "a dynasty in Italy" is dedicated to the Savoy, which briefly reviews the history, then describe in detail the adventures of the kings of the nineteenth century until the unification, the seventh chapter, entitled "South", unfolds to banditry by the arrival of the Neapolitan Republic, under "European diplomats" It stresses the role played from England, France and the Vatican in Italian Renaissance, revealing the various interests and backroom power and space devoted to figures of Napoleon III and Pope Pius IX, the "pope-case basis", the eighth chapter, perhaps the most original, is tripartite: the first sub-chapter, devoted to the myth of the Third Rome, arriving at the second, analysis of Masonry and the Carbonari as operated in the Risorgimento, until the third, dedicated to the Jews "renaissance" in which he felt the interweaving of national and social redemption, and an analysis of conditions under the rule of the Church, and finally the last, "The new Italy", short chapter character sheet, is an exhortation to complete a Renaissance which, in their opinion, was not manipulated nor betrayed, what, if anything, "incomplete" in it he cites the issue of who made Italy, because the new land had a certain impression, which was the problem of "language", and so on.
The book is already in use in major bookstores. If you like to see them live these are the dates of their presentations: April 15, 2011
, presentation to Ascoli Piceno. April 9, 2011, presentation at the auditorium of the High School "Bernardino Telesio" of Cosenza, the President of the Institute for Historical Studies of Cosenza, Gioacchino Lena.
April 2, 2011, presentation to Tolentino (MC) by the Association Tolentino815.
March 31, 2011, presentation at the Palace Camerata of the Municipality of Ancona, with prof. Michele Polverino.
March 27, 2011, in Parma.
March 16, 2011 (18.00), presented to the Hall of Portraits of the Municipality of Fermo; with prof. Ciro Bove Professors and teachers. Volponi, Scicchitano, Blacks and Rosati.


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